Microsoft word 2007
How to open Microsoft Word 2007?
Start all programs ms office Microsoft Word 2007 (in
windows 7)
Start Type “Word” in search box Click Microsoft Word 2007
Click on start button go to all programs click the ms office and
open the Microsoft Word 2007.
Microsoft Word 2007 is useful in producing letters,
reports, notices, newsletters, book etc quickly and
We can modify the task both while typing and after
It has many editing tools. We can correct spellings,
grammars and words and set margin etc.
The contents written in Microsoft Word are very
attractive with various colors, styles, borders & shading
The extension file name of Microsoft Word is .doc (for
Word 93 to 2003) or .docx (for word 2007 and above).
Currently Microsoft Launches Word 2016 with some new
The working area of Microsoft Word 2007 is called “page.
File:- The collection of related information and data stored together
in the memory of computer is called file.
MY biodata.docx --- Microsoft Word File
My Picture.jpg --- Image File
My Dance Program.mp4 --- Video File
prayer.mp3 --- Music File
Base name . extension name
My biodata . docx
My biodata is the Base name
Dot (.) is the separator
Docx is the Extension file name
Quick Access Tool Bar
1 Save
2 Undo
3 Redo
1 Save
We can use this tool to save a file. It is the shortcut to Save. We can
use CTRL+S instead.
2 Undo
This tool is undone the action taken by the user in Microsoft Word.
Whenever we have done some mistake, we can click this toll to
undone it.
3 Redo
This tool is redone the undone action taken by the user earlier in
Microsoft Word. Whenever we undone any action and need to get
the earlier action back again then we can use “redo tool.
1. Office Button: -
This button is used to open, save or print and to see everything
else you can edit/can do with your document also.
Step: - Go to office buttonchose that one from the given option,
which you want to do.
2. New: -
This button is used to create new page with new window.
If you want create a new page then….
Step: - Go to office buttonchose new button from the given
option Click on create command button at the bottom right
corner. (shortcut Key Combination: CTRL + N)
3. Open: -
This button is used to open the files or folders which
already exist in the window explorer.
Step: - Go to office button chose open button from the given
option Double Click on the folder where file is situatedselect
the file which you want to open click on open command
4. Save: -
This button is used save the documents.
Step: - Go to office buttonClick on save chose location
(from left side) Give file nameclick on save Command Button.
5. Save as: -
This button is used to save again, those files already exist in
the windows explorer or simply going to says that resave the
Step: - Go to office button Click on Save as optionchose a
folder where you want to save the file type a new name for the
file Click on save.
6. Print: -
This tool is used to print a document on the paper.
Step: - Go to office buttonMouse over on Print Preview” tool
click on “Print” tool from the Print Preview” Tab Choose a
printer from the “Name Drop Down Box” Click on the Pages
“Radio Button” Type page number (Like 4 or 4-6 or 4,5,6,7)
click on Print command button.
7. Prepare: -
By using this option we can set a password to the document for
protection. (Encryption the document)
Step: - Go to office buttonMouse over on Preparetool click
on Encript Document Type a Password re-type a
password Click ok command button.
8. Send: -
By using this potion we can send the document to others by
using E-mail or Internet fax.
9. Publish: - By using this option we can published the
document on the internet, share the document with other
user for group work and create document work space.
(*Work Space  Document to internet  link  net
 share  / share )
10. Close: -
This option is used to close the document window.
11. Word option: -
This option is used to configure word setting.
12. Exit Word: -
This option is used to exit from the word application
using Mouse
How to Select Character
How to Select word
Shortcut to select words
How to select Lines
How to Select Paragraph
Shortcut to select paragraph
using Keyboard
How to Select Character
How to Select word
Shortcut to select word (ctrl+shift+left arrow/right arrow)
How to select Line
Shortcut to select line (ctrl+shift+home/end)
How to Select Paragraph
Use of Home/End/Pageup/Pagedown Key
Use of Ctrl + backspace
Home tab
There are 5 sections in home tab.
1-Clipboard Section
2-Font Section
3-Paragraph Section
4-Style Section
5-Editing Section
Clipboard Section
1-Paste 2-Cut
3- Copy 4- Format Painter
Copy: -By the help of these tools we can copy that documents and
Cut: - to move that documents and characters to another place.
Cut/Copy Step: - Select the text ---> go to Clipboard section ---> Click
Cut/Copy tool ---> Click the place of page where you want to paste
the text ---> Click Paste tool.
Format Painter: - It applies the format & Styles of selected text to the
Target Text.
Font Section
1-Font Family 2-Font Size
3-Grow Font 4-Shrink Font
5-Clear Formatting 6-Bold
7-Italic 8-Underline
9-Strike Through 10-Subscript
11-SuperScript 12-Chgange Case
13-Text Highlight 14-Font Color
15- Expand Button
Select the text go to font sectionclick on that tools
1-Font Family
This tool is used to change the style of selected text.
Step- Select the Text ---> Go To Font Section ---> Click on Drop Down
Of Font Family ---> Select a Font Name from the List
2-Font Size
This tool is used to set the text size according to the number
shown in dropdown option.
Step: - select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on dropdown
of font size ---> select a size from the list.
3-Grow font
This is used to increase the size of the selected text.
Step: - select the texts ---> go to font section ---> click on grow font
4-shrink font
This is used to decrease the size of the selected text.
Step- select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on shrink font
5-Clear Formatting
This tool is used to remove all the styles and formatting and set
the text to its default style & formatting.
Step- select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on clear
formatting tool.
This tool is used to make the selected text thicker.
Step: - select the texts ---> go to font section ---> click on bold tool.
7-Italic size
This tool is used to bands the letters to the right.
Step- select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on italic tool.
This tool is used to put underline to the text with its styles and
different colors
Step to put underline: - select the texts ---> go to font section --->
click on underline tool.
Step to put underline style: - select the texts ---> go to font section ---
> click on dropdown button of underline tool then choose an
underline Style.
Step to put underline color: - select the texts ---> go to font section --
-> click on dropdown button of underline tool ---> go to underline
color ---> choose an underline color.
Step to withdraw underline: - select the underlined texts ---> go to
font section ---> click on underline tool.
This tool is used to draw a line over the selected text.
Step- select the text then go to font section then click on strike
10-sub-script (H
This tool is used to write a character that are half the height of
a standard character and printed lower than the rest of the
Step- Select the text ---> Go to font section ---> click on subscript
This tool is used to write a character that is half of the height of
standard character printed higher than the rest of the text.
Step- select the text ---> go to the font section ---> click on
superscript tool
12-Change Case
This tool is used to Change the selected text to UPPERCASE /
lowercase / Capital Each Word / Sentence case / tOGGLE cASE.
Step- select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on dropdown
button of change case tool ---> select a case type.
Case Types
Lower case
Capitalize Each Word
Sentence case
13- Text Highlight
This tool is used to highlight the background of text with
different color.
Step select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on drop down
button of text highlight ---> select a color from the list ---> Select the
Target Text.
14- Font Color
This tool is used to apply the color to the text.
Step- select the text ---> go to font section ---> click on drop down
button of font color ---> select a color from the list.
Paragraph Section
Tab- home
Section- paragraph
Paragraph is a section of a piece of writing paragraph always
being a new line and contains at least one sentence.
1. Bullets
2. Numbering
3. Multi Level List
4. Decrease Indent
5. Increase Indent
6. Sort
7. Symbol
8. Align Text Left
9. Center
10. Align Text Right
11. Justify
12. Line Spacing
13. Shading
14. Border
1. Bullets
Pre-fix a Bullet to each new lines.
Step- select the text Go to paragraph section Click on drop down
bottom of bullets select a bullets symbol from the list.
2. Numbering
Pre-fix with a number or series before a line
Step- Select the text Go to paragraph sectionclick on drop
down bottom of numbering select a numbering style.
3. Multi level list
Multi level list can contain number and bulleted list.
This is a very useful feature because if you add a paragraph in the
middle of a number list for rearrange the order of the paragraph
in a list word automatically remember the paragraph so, that they
returned they are sequence .
Step- Select the text Go to home tab on paragraph sectionclick
on drop down bottom of that tool select multi level list select a
style from the list.
A. Grand father
B. Grand mother
a) Father
b) Mother
I. Son
II. Daughter
i. Grand son
ii. Grand daughter
c) Uncle
d) Aunty
4. Decrease indent
The decrease indent button reveres of increase indent operation.
Step- select the text go to home tab on paragraph section
click on decrease indent.
5. Increase indent
The distance increase between the current paragraph and the left
page margin.
Step select the text Go to home tab on paragraph section
click on increase indent.
Align:- Arrange or put characters from the left , right , top and bottom
Margin .
Align is 4 types.
1. Align text left (ctrl +l)
2. Center align ( ctrl + E)
3. Align text right (ctrl + R)
4. Justify (ctrl + J)
6. Sort
It is a process of arranging the text or character in to a shorten
order. We can use the sort for text and numbers.
Text number
A Z 1 .
Z A 2 3
3 2
7. Symbols:-
This tool is used to show paragraph marks and other hidden
formatting symbols.
Step-Select the text Go to home tab on paragraph sectionClick on
symbols tool.
8. Align text left
Align text left or left alignment is a way of arranging the text from
left of the margin.
Step- select the text Go to home tab on paragraph sectionclick the
tool align text left
Now, align text left format will be apply text.
9. Center alignment
Center alignment is a way of arranging the text in to center one
i.e. To say the text will be align in center area of the page.
Step- select the text Go to home tab on paragraph section click the
center alignment tool.
10. Align text right
Align text right or right alignment is a way of arranging the text
from right of the margin.
Step- select the textGo to home tab on paragraph sectionclick the
tool align text right.
11. Justify
Justify is a way of arranging the text both left and right of the
Step- select the text Go to home tab on paragraph section click
the justify tool
12. Line Spacing
Line spacing is used to change the spacing between lines of text.
Step- Select the text with lines Go to home tab on paragraph
sectionClick on drop down button of line spacing toolchose from
given the option
13. Shading
This tool is used to color the background behind the selected text or
Step- Select the text Go to home tab on paragraph section click
on drop down bottom of shading tool select a color apply.
14. Border
This tool is used to customize the borders of the selected cells or text.
Step- Select the text Go to home tab on paragraph section
click on boarder tool select a border style apply
Editing Section: -
Find= Ctrl +F
Esc= Escape Key
Find: - This Used to find the text in the document.
Select the text Click the find tool from editing section or click on (
Ctrl+ F) Find & replace window will be appearType the word you
want to search in the “Find What” box Click find next button
Next if you went to select all the searching word at a time, then click
the dropdown button of find in button and click main document (which
you want to rectify)
Replace: -click the replace tool from the editing section find&
replace will be appear type the word ,you want to replace-from in
the find what” box type the word you want to replace with in
“replace with” box click replace command button to replace the
word one by one. But to replace at a time then click replace all
command button.
Select Tool: -
i. Select all
ii. Select Object
iii. Select text with similar formatting
Select all: -
It will select the entire document.
Select Objects: -
It will select only shapes, pictures etc.
This tool is used if a shape or picture is in behind the text & when
we try to select the picture the text become selected.
Steps: - Click selected tool from editing sectionchose select
objectClick on picture or shapes (It will be selected).
Select text with similar Formatting: -
It will select all the text which format & style is same as the
selected text.
Step: - Select a text Click select tool from editing section Click
select text with similar formatting option.
Insert tab : - it is 7 types
1. Pages 2. Tables 3. Illustration 4. Links
5. Header & Footer 6. Text 7. Symbols
1. Pages section
It is 3 types
1) Cover page
2) Blank page
3) Page break
1) Cover page
Cover page is a page where we write some information regarding
document that are follows
Company name of the school, college,
institution, company name or name
of the individual group
Document title name to the document
Document sub-title chapter name of the document
Author Owner of the document
Date Submission date
Description Topics covered
Step- click insert tab then go to pages section then click cover page tool
then, chose a cover page style then put the required data in the cover
page fields and save the document.
2) Blank page
If we want to insert a blank page with in a document then we can
use this tool.
When we click the tool, a blank page before be current page is
Step- if we want to insert a blank page after the 6
page before
the 5
page click on the working area of 5
page click insert
tab click blank page .
3) Page break
This tool is use to divide the different topics listed in a page
to different pages.
Step- click after the last letter of topic 1 click insert tab
go to pages section click page break
Table section
Table is the intersection of vertical column and horizontal
Select table Button
A/C no.
Adhar No.
=Select column
= select row
= Cell
The cells arranged left to right in a sequence called Row.
Column: -
The cells arranged top to bottom in a sequence called Column.
Select Table Button: -
When we click on this button entire data of the table will be
When we mouse over on this button and press and drag then,
table will be move.
= Resize Table
By using this tool button we can resize the entire table. All the cell
of the table will be resized according to its ratio.
=Select row
When we mouse over just left to a row this pointer icon will be
revealed. In this time if we click then the entire row will be select.
=Select Column
When we mouse over just above the column heading this pointer
icon will be revealed.
When we click in this time the concerned column will be selected.
= Select cell
When we mouse over at the bottom left corner of a cell this
pointer icon will be revealed. In this time if we click then that cell will
be selected.
After selecting an item: -
If we click delete key from key board then the data will be deleted but If
we click the back space key then the current item (Row, column, cell)
will be deleted.
Notes for cell allignment:
Table Headings: (Bold-Center-Highlighted)
Name Field: (Allign Left-Middle)
Number Field: (Allign Center)
Sl No: (Allign Center)
Insert table
We can insert maximum 63 numbers of column in a word
table and n number of rows in this same table.
Draw table
By the using this tool we can draw a table manually.
Step- click insert tab go to table section click the dropdown
bottom of table tool click draw table of the table draw horizontal
or vertical lines in the working area.
Text to column
By using this option we can create a table from a paragraph
where more than one line was written and also we can make
a table from the list.
This option put each line or sentence to the individual sell of
a table created automatically.
Step- select the paragraph or list click insert tab go to the table
section click table tool convert text to table option set the
number of column or rows by clicking up or down bottom of spin
control box ok
(if a line in separated by comma it most have comma radio bottom then
click ok)
Data Entry In Table
Use TAB = Move the cursor to the Right side Cell.
Shift + TAB = Move the cursor to the Left side Cell.
Illustrations: -
Illustration section is used to draw, make or insert a picture or
a symbol in a page.
There are 5 tools.
1. Picture 2. Clip Art
3. Shapes 4. Smart Art
5. Chart
1. Picture: -
This tool is used to insert a picture from a file in the page.
Step- Select a place where u want to insert image Go to Insert Tab
Go to Illustration sectionClick on picturechose a picture which you
want to insert in a pageClick on Insert.
2. Clip Art: -
This tool is used to insert, clip art into the document, including
drawing, movies, sounds or stock photography to illustrate a
specific concept.
Step- Chose a place where you want to insert Go to insert TabGo
to Illustration sectionClick on Clip art toolChose appropriate image
4. Shapes: -
This tool is used to insert ready-made shapes, such as
rectangles, circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols and
Step- Chose a place where you want to insertGo to insert tabGo to
illustration sectionClick on shapes tool’s dropdown buttonChose
appropriate shape or symbol Apply
5. Smart Art: -
This tool is used to insert a smart art graphics to visually
communicate information, such as Venn diagram and
organizations charts.
Step- Chose a place where you want to insertGo to Insert tab Go to
illustration section Click on smart art toolChose appropriate
graphic from the display image ok
6. Chart: -
This tool is used to insert a chart to illustrate and compare
data. Example- Bar, Pie, Line, Area, and surface are some
of the available type.
Step- Chose a place where you want to insert Go to Insert tab Go
to illustration section Click on chart toolChose appropriate graphs
or image from the display image ok
Links: - There are 3 tools.
1. Hyperlink 2. Bookmark 3. Cross-References
Hyperlink: - A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you
can click on to jump to a new document or a new section within
the current document. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web
pages, allowing users to navigate between pages. Text
hyperlinks are often blue and underlined. When you move the
cursor over a hyperlink, whether it is text or an image, the
arrow should change to a small hand pointing at the link. When
you click it, a new page or place in the current page will open.
Steps: (Text Hyperlink) - Go to Insert Tab Links section,
Hyperlink Tool Type a name for the link in Text to display box
Select a file of folder as per your choice click OK
Steps: (Image Hyperlink) Insert a picture and select it Go to
Insert Tab Links section, Hyperlink Tool Select a file of
folder as per your choice click OK
Bookmark: - A bookmark in Word works like index of a book. It
marks a place that we want to find again easily. We can enter
as many bookmarks as we want and we can give each one a
unique name so they were easy to identify. Use underscore ( _ )
instead of pressing space bar to put 1 space between words of
bookmark name.
Header & Footer: - There are 3 tools.
2. Header 2. Footer 3. Page Number
1. Header: -
This tool is used to give headline to the page specially.
The content in the header will appear at the top of the pages.
We can apply this tool before writing on the page or after
writing on the page.
Step- Chose the place (page) where you want to apply the headerGo
to insert TabGo to Header & footer section click on header
toolchose appropriate header for the selected page.
2. Footer: -
This tool is used to edit bottom the page specially.
The content in the footer will be appearing at the bottom of
the pages.
Step- Chose the place (page) where you want to apply the footerGo
to insert TabGo to Header & footer section click on footer
toolchose appropriate footer for the selected page.
Note: - If want to remove the Header & Footer thenselect page
where the Header & Footer has been appliedGo to insert TabGo to
Header & footer section click on Header/footer toolschose
Remove Header / Footer option at bottom.
3. Page Number: -
This tool is used to enter/insert the page number in the
It is also used to numbering the pages.
We can apply this tool before writing on the page or after
writing on the page.
Step- Chose a place where you want to apply page numberGo to
insert tab Go to header & footer section Click on page number’s
dropdown buttonchose appropriate one from the listchose
suitable page number format.
Note: - If you want to remove page number format select page
where the page number has been appliedGo to insert TabGo to
Header & footer sectionclick on dropdown of button of page
numberclick on to remove page number.
Text Section: - 6 Tools are here.
1. Text Box 2. Quick Parts 3. Word Art
4. Drop Cap 5. Signature line 6. Date & Time
5. Object
1. Text Box: -
This tool is used to insert text boxes which are already
Simply going to says that this tool use to inset a pre
formatted text box.
Step:-Chose a place where you want to insert text boxGo to insert
Tab Go to Text Section Click on text box’s dropdown
buttonchose appropriate text box from the list.
2. Quick Parts: -
This tool is used insert a reusable piece of contents,
including field, document property such as title & author, or
any preformatted snippets you create.
Step: - Chose a place where you want to insert any Title Go to Insert
Tab Go to Text SectionClick on quick parts tool’s dropdown
buttonchose appropriate title from the given list.
3. Word art: -
This tool is used insert a decorative text in your document.
This tool also helps to give different style to the text of
Step: - Chose a place where you want to insert a decorative style
textGo to insert tabGo to text sectionClick on dropdown button
of Word Artchose appropriate style from the text.
Example: -
4. Drop Cap: -
This tool is creating a large capital letter at the beginning of
a paragraph.
Step: -Select a paragraphGo to insert tabgo to text sectionone
anyone from the given option.
N.B: -You may also change the number of line to drop (click on drop cap
Example: -
.B: -You may also change the number of line to drop (click on
drop cap option).
5. Date & Time: -
This tool is used to insert a current date or time into the
Step: - keep your curser at that place, where you want to insert date or
time Go to insert tabGo to text sectionclick on date & time
toolchose an available format of date & time click on OK button
Symbols Section: -
1. Equation 2. Symbols
1. Equation: -
This tool is used to insert common mathematical equations
or build up your own equations using a library of math
Step: -Select a place where you want to insert equationgo to insert
tabGo symbols sectionclick on equation dropdown buttonselect
an option from the given option.
2. Symbols: -
This tool is used to insert symbols which are not available in
keyboard such as copyright symbols, trade mark symbols,
paragraph mark and Unicode characters.
Step: - Select a place where you want to insert symbolgo to insert
tabGo symbols sectionclick on symbols dropdown buttonchose
symbol from the given option (if want to get more symbol then click
more option) click on insert
Page Layout: -
1. Theme Section 2. Page setup Section 3. Page Back
Ground 4. Paragraph section
1. Theme Section: -
This section is used to change the overall design of the entire
document including colors, fonts and effect current file.
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to theme
sectionclick on dropdown button of theme Chose a theme.
Colors: - Change the color of the current theme.
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to theme
sectionClick on dropdown button of colorChose a color option
from the list.
Fonts: -It changes the font/text style of current file.
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to theme
sectionClick on dropdown button of font chose a style..
Effects: -It change the effect of current file
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to theme
sectionClick on dropdown button of effect chose a effect.
2. Page Setup Section: -
Size: - Through this tool we can chose paper size for the current
section or file.
Step: - Go to page layout tabGo to page setup section Click on
size toolchose a page size (A4/Letter/Legal etc)
Orientation: - It switch/situate the pages between portrait and
landscape layouts.
Step: -- Go to page layout tabGo to page setup section Click on
dropdown button of OrientationChose Portrait/Landscape
Margins: - It is used to select margins size for the entire document or
for the current section.
Step: - Go to page layout tabGo to page setup section Click on
dropdown button of Margin’s tool chose custom Margin Set
Top, Bottom, Left & right Margin Set Gutter “0”.
Column: - Through this tool the text can be split into two or more
Step: -- Select the Paragraph(s)Go to page layout tabGo to page
setup section Click on dropdown button of columns chose an
column option from the .
Breaks: - Through this tool page can be break into sections.
Step: Click the cursor in a required place from where you want a
page breakGo to page layout tabGo to page setup section
Click on dropdown button of breaks tool chose a page break
Line numbers: - This tool is used to numbering each line of the
document in the margins.
Step: - Go to page layout tabGo to page setup section Click on
dropdown button of Line number chose anyone option from the
Note: -You may also set numbering the lines section wise or page
Note: -If you want remove numbering then click on “none” option
from the dropdown button of Line number.
Hyphenation: - Through this tool syllable words can be joint, which
breaks (words) when lines become separated.
It’s mainly used in Magazines, Books etc.
Step: - Go to page layout tabGo to page setup section Click on
dropdown button of Hyphenation Click on “Automatic” option
Note: - You may also use option.
3. Page Background Section: -
Watermark: - This tool is used to insert ghosted text behind the content
on the page.
It also indicates that a document is to be treated specially such
as urgent, confidential etc.
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to background
sectionClick on dropdown button of watermark toolChose
watermark page option.
Note: - You may also change the text behind name (through custom
watermark’s setting)
Page Color: - Through this tool, we can fill the page background with
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to
background sectionClick on dropdown button of Page
colorchose a color.
Note: - If you want to remove color then click on “no color” option.
Page Borders: - Through this tool, a border can be add or change
around the page.
Step: - Open the word fileGo to page layout tabGo to background
sectionClick on page borders tool (Border and shading window will
be appear)Chose a border from the option Click on “ok” option.
Note: - If you want to remove border from the document then click on
“none” option in “Border and shading window”.
4. Paragraph Section: -
Indent: -This tool is used to move the text from one side to
another side of the page by clicking its “left” and “right” sub tool.
Step: -Select the text Go to page layout tab Go to paragraph
section click on Indent’s “left” or “right” sub tool button.
Spacing: -This tool is used to give space between lines by clicking
left or right sub tools (may be before or after).
Step: - Select the text Go to page layout tab Go to paragraph
section click on Spacing’s “Before” or “after” sub tool.
Review Tab: -
Proofing Section : -
Spelling & Grammar: - This tool is used to check spelling and
grammar of the text in document.
Open Source Software
When original source code of a software is freely available to
download, redistributed and modified according to the requirement
of the user without any license is called Open Source Software.
Example: Apache HTTP Server, Mozila Firefox, Chromium (by
Google), react js, etc.
Proprietary Software
Proprietary software refers to the software which is solely owned by
the individual or publisher who developed it. It is paid application.
Example: Microsoft Office Package (word, excel, Power-point),
windows operating system etc.
Learning Points
Use of mouse, changing its properties
Left Button Click = normal Selection
Right Button Click = Get the Option
Double click left button = Open a file
Scroll wheel (up/down) = Navigate the screen
Click scroll wheel = Auto-scroll the screen
Add/Remove Programs & its features
Add/Remove/Share Printer