Key board
It is an input device.
It has minimum 103 keys.
Categorized asfunction keys (F1 to F12 ), numeric keys (0-9) ,
alphabetic keys (A-Z), symbolic keys , special keys (Enter,
Shift , Esc, Tab, Capslock , Ctrl, Delete, Alt, Home, Ins, Page
Up , Page Down , Pause/Break , Scroll Lock , Num Lock ,
End , Prntscr , Window Key , Space Bar , Menu Key )
There are number of keys on the key board having letters,
numbers and symbols which are called as character.
What we type using key board, it appears on the screen.
That data is called textual data.
Function keys (F1 to F12)
F1:- This key is use to open the help window of different program and
F2:- This key is use to rename a file and folder application and program.
F3:- This key is use for system configuration.
F4:- this key is use to search the file, folder and application from the hard disk or
storage device.
F5:- This key is use to refresh the system.
F6:- It is use for save the document or data.
F7:- It helps to identify the spelling error and word error.
Numeric keys
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
1. Num luck
2. Numeric keys (0-9)
3. Enter
4. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Enter key
It is use to go down to a new line when we typing text and also use for open
any program, file and folder.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
5. Num luck
6. Numeric keys (0-9)
7. Enter
8. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
9. Num luck
10. Numeric keys (0-9)
11. Enter
12. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
13. Num luck
14. Numeric keys (0-9)
15. Enter
16. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
17. Num luck
18. Numeric keys (0-9)
19. Enter
20. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
21. Num luck
22. Numeric keys (0-9)
23. Enter
24. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
25. Num luck
26. Numeric keys (0-9)
27. Enter
28. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
29. Num luck
30. Numeric keys (0-9)
31. Enter
32. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
33. Num luck
34. Numeric keys (0-9)
35. Enter
36. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
Always we enter numbers with a keypad layout like and editing machine or
Similar to a calculator form entering number and doing mathematical
operation quickly and easily.
This pad consist of following key ;as
37. Num luck
38. Numeric keys (0-9)
39. Enter
40. Arithmetic operator (+, -, /, .)
This key are used during the use of computer calculator.
This key is use for changing the alphabetic and symbolic character.
The shift key is use to make capital letters or to excess the pantuation and
other symbol on the number keys and other keys.
Esc key
This key is use for quick, exit, cancel or abort as well as a common shortcut
key for the stop bottom in many web browser.
Tab key
The tab key helps for indent the text and also use for move from one box
and sell and another sell or box.
Caps luck
This key is use for convert the alphabet small letter to capital.
When caps luck is on the alphabets are regarded to capital.
Control key (ctrl)
Control key use in combination with other command key.
Ctr l+ S = save
Ctrl +A = select all
Ctrl +C = copy
Ctrl + x =cut
Ctrl + V = past
Delete key
By the using of this key we can permanently remove the data, document ,
file, folder etc.
Alt key
Alternative key is used in the combination with the command key for the
special function.
Alt + F4 = shutdown /logout
Ctrl + Alt + delete = for task manager
Alt +F4= exit office word 2007
Home key
By the click of this key the crosser will show on the 1st of that sentence.
Insert key
By the use of this key we can create the program and also use at the
configuration of the system.
Page up
By the use of this key we can move up word to one page up that document.
Page down
By the use of this key we can move down word to one page that document.
Num lock
By the use of this key keypad is dis-activated.
Pressing the num lock key active the numeric keypad at the right of the key
End key
By the use of this key we can move to the last page of that document or
Print screen
The print screen key will send a copy your monitor.
Windows key
Shortcut key for the start menu.
Space bar
By the use of this key enter a blank space between words.
Back space
This key will remove the character to the left of the crosser.
Scroll luck
This key is used to luck the scrolling for keyboard.
Pause break
We can stop any current running/progress program of computer, by using
this key also we can break the stop/pausing programs.